In all stages of planning, filming and post production we have been given feedback from our teachers about what would work and what might not be as effective as we would like. This helped form an idea of what aspects to use in our music video and digipak/poster. For example, after our draft it was pointed out to us that to make our music video more interesting and in order for the audience to understand the narrative we had to have some connection to the lyrics through performance e.g. lip-syncing. We took on this advice and looked back over our research and decided that this was the best thing to do to make it look more professional and like something OneRepublic would produce.
However we were aware that our teachers were not our target audience so we also asked our friends to comment on our draft. Their opinion matched our teachers comments and thought it would look better and they could connect with the video more if someone was lip-syncing. Also Katie, who was also in our video, commented it would look better if there was something to break up the repetition of country then city shots. From this feedback we then decided to include performance in the video as more people than not said it would improve the video.
When we had finished the music video we uploaded in on to YouTube from there we published it on several different sites to get audience feedback. We posted it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and our own blog and invited people to comment and welcomed constructive criticism.
We also received a few negative comments about it. Some people commented that it was cloudy in the horse shots which confused them as the rest of the country shots had been in sunshine. Also some people did not understand the connection with Katie and Bank until the end and think it would have been better to explain it right at the beginning. However we found that some people liked that you don't know the two are connected until the end as its a twist in the story. Some also said that it doesn't matter that the connection between the two characters were not obvious from the start because a lot music videos cut between narrative and performance with no connection between the band and characters in the story. So opinions are divided on the details of the narrative but most of the comments have been positive and our target audience really liked the dark London shots vs the bright green country side shots.
Also comment on the feedback for ancillary products. Can you comment on their success with target audience/others?