Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Evaluation Question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback has been one of the most important factor we had to include when doing our project. It has driven us into the right direction, taking in people's thoughts and opinions about we needed to do. 

I would say that the most important feedback we have received throughout the course is the comment left on our blogs from our teachers, I think that this has definitely been one of the most important because they have helped us develop our ideas and guided us to what we needed to do. 

Above is an example of one of the many comments left by our teachers, in this particular comment. Our teacher has left us clear information about the things we needed to do in order to get the grade we had wanted. They were also encouraging us to update our posts more so they could get an understanding of what ideas and concepts we had for out project. This led to constructive criticism which helped us the quality and quantity of our work.  

Above is a video of us doing our pitch, an example of audience feedback would be  Q&A afterwards. This particular type of feedback was very personal, it was sort of like a one on one conversation telling our classmates the things that they didn't understand. I thought that having this personal way of getting audience feedback was very effective as it allowed us to convey the idea we had clearly and thoroughly for for the people who didn't understand.

Here is an example of us getting audience feedback via Facebook, we thought that this would be a good idea as it allowed us to get feedback from people we knew. Below, the users on facebook were allowed to leave comments as such as to what they thought about it. I thought that this particular type of feedback was also very helpful in the process of our project, it allowed us to get an insight of what our friends and peers thought of our work.

Generally, I thought that the best way of getting feedback from people was via the internet. This offered a vast audience depending on the choice of media platform you were using. For example with Twitter, it seems as though I have a lot more people following me who I don't know than who I do know, so this offered a range of feedback from strangers offering their real thoughts and opinions about the Music Video and Ancillary Texts. Most of them were positive and also some of the comments gave us constructive advice on what we needed to improve on for the final music video.

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