Saturday, 17 September 2011

Dear Photograph style edits with location shots.

 Using Dear Photograph's idea of connecting past and present by placing an old photo on top of a present day photo, I decided to edit the location shots to see how if it creates the right effect. I used black and white shots to represent the old photo.

This edit isn't very as effective as the others because the old photo is too big and the subtlety is lost. Also the lack of shadow from the tree in the old shot makes it look too cut out.

I think it looks more effective when the "past" black and white photo is in the middle of the shot because the eye is naturally drawn into the middle of the photo.

The photos with Katie are more effective as it gives the audience a subject to focus on. However I like the contrast of the bright coloured photograph and the more faded black & white photo. For this one I edited the original background photograph as well which highlighted the shadows in clouds and green of the trees better.


We could incorporate Dear Photograph style in the music video as well - like in Sara Bareilles' the slightly disjunctured image with the polaroid frames and film strips cutting up the video. In post-production a split screen like this could be achieved. I think it is quite effective and makes it more interesting and enhances the story.

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