Tuesday 27 September 2011

Story Board Update

Our story board is taking longer than we have expected, after watching a few music videos we have learnt that there a quite a lot of different shots in a small amount of time. The reason for this is because it makes the audience more engaged and connected with the video, if it was just taken in one take and there wasn't any cutting in the video, it would be very boring to watch. But on the other hand, there are a few one shot videos which are quite interesting and enjoyable to watch. For example with Snow Patrol's 'Open Your Eyes', this video featured a camera attached to a car driving around Paris, of course the setting of where the video is shot plays a very important role because if we were to try and duplicate this where we live or the city that is closest to us, it would seem tacky and amateur as we do not have the landscape and beautiful buildings.So far we have drawn about 48 shots and we're not even half way through the song, we are trying our best to complete it as fast as possible although at the same time making sure that we are able to recognise the shots in the pictures that we drew.

We know that we have got to finish this before the weekend as we are going to start shooting in London, but before we go we have to make sure that we have also done our: Schedule list, to make sure that we film the shots that are in the same location at that time because it wouldn't be time effective at all if we had to keep going back and fourth to the same place to shoot a scene when we could've done it earlier; we also have to create a risk assessment so we can prevent any accidents or be prepared for any accidents that could arise when we're shooting. *Knock wood.

1 comment:

  1. Keep working at it. The story board is central to your success, then turn it into the animatic so you can highlight any issues prior to visiting London. Once again, and without wishing to sound like the most miserable man to have ever walked the earth please think very carefully about London. That location is all or nothing, if you don't get it right then you really are jeopardising your whole A2 grade. If you're determined to go there then please practise filming before you go to see if you can get the framing, lighting and movement that you want.
