Sunday, 11 September 2011

Inspiration for Album Artwork.

Parachute are less-known band but have a similar style and genre of music to OneRepublic. Losing Sleep was their debut album and Winterlove was their first EP. I really like the almost faded colour and aged look of these covers. The composition is also really effective, simply the artist and album name underneath makes it stand out. In Winterlove the slight hue change from each side of the picture is very effective especially as the subject is quite dark.

The Way It Was is their second album which was more successful than their first as they had become more popular by then though tours with various mainstream artists. This album artwork features all 5 members of the band which suggests they are more recognised to be put on the cover. Although for our album artwork I wouldn't want to have a picture of the band, I quite like the colour of this cover. I prefer the title of the other two covers though it looks more effective than the artist and album name at the side.

For the album artwork, I think a simple photograph would be most effective for our album. This Tumblr blog uses pictures of the past and present to illustrate the connections between the two which looks every effective. I would also like to experiment with this and see if it is possible to use this technique in the music video as well.

Other album artwork:

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