Monday 12 September 2011

Evaluation of pitch feedback.

We would say that we were quite prepared for the pitch, we feel that our animoto presentation gave the audience a clear idea of the concept for our music video. We included all the relevant information so our audience watching could really understand our ideas and what we are trying to achieve.

We were asked a couple of questions, for example we were asked 'How we were going to shoot in London and get the shots that we need?' From this we have thought about practicing the filming techniques and shooting in crowded areas in Leicester to see if we can achieve the right effect before we go to shoot in London, where it is alot more crowded. Once we've done some test shots we will be more prepared and experienced to achieve the high quality shots that we want.

Our audience liked the idea of contrasting the countryside and city, and how the band name linked into our concept of isolation of the character in our music video. To highlight the isolation of the character, we have come up with two types of isolation concepts - in the city even though she is surrounded by crowds of people she is not connected with the world around her, whereas in the country even though she is alone she feels more at home than anywhere else. In our video, you would see this though her body language and facial expressions which will clearly contrast between the city and country shots.

1 comment:

  1. Bank and Eleanor I'd like you to post a synopsis of your music video. What is going to happen?

    If you are aspiring towards a B or above then do the following

    You must be posting on average once a day. Both Mrs Abrahamson and I need updating on what your up to, we need to see everything that is inspiring you, we need to know what you plan to do and what you've discussed, we need to know what the story of your video is, who your artist is etc
