Friday, 16 September 2011

Location Test Shots - Country

Today we took a walk down a country road to test out the location for our music video, we found this country road that led down to a big field. We really liked this road, it was isolated, filled with trees and greenery on both sides and we though that this would be the perfect location to shoot our country shots for our concept. This gave us the perfect image of how 'Good Life' can be without all the man made things like cars, buildings etc. You can really see the true beauty of what mother nature has created.

We think that this particular photo we have taken really emphasises the good isolation that we wanted to create, the character is surrounded by such beautiful things like trees, greens and nature's plants. Even though she isn't in her 'Boho' outfit, I think that this gives us a clear idea of what we want from the shot when we get to actually shooting it. We just hope that when we actually get down to shooting, the sun is out so it creates the emphasis of appreciating the natural and beautiful things in life.

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